OGCA – Opportunity For Safety Event – Safety Conference

On February 12, 2020 The OGCA and League of
Champions sponsored the Opportunity for Safety at the Verdi Convention Centre. The event
highlighted the joint initiatives between the Ministry of Labour, WSIB and IHSA that centers
around the new COR 2020 program. This program
has been developed in support of all three
governing bodies and provides companies
significant rebates and recognition for achievement.

The event began with the OGCA Safety
Committee chair Craig Lesurf providing
participates information on the upcoming OGCA
– Leadership Conference on March 6 where, we
will learn about Mental Health in the Workplace, a
report on Cannabis Use in Construction and
strategies on managing Substance Abuse. The
event will also showcase new League of
Champion members, which includes Harbridge
+ Cross and be presented with our very own
League of Champion’s jersey.

WSIB Health & Safety Excellence Program:
The excellence program is a performance-based incentive model that integrates safety groups and work well programs. This new model provides a clear road map for businesses to improve workplace health and safety by completing modules and assessments. To participate, companies will have to register with an approved WSIB consultant and complete up to five topics of improvement  a year until they reach the CPO accreditation


Non-Financial Rewards – recognition on WSIB website and digital badge. Financial Rewards – minimum of $1,000 per topic, up to 75% of annual premium to a maximum of $50,000 per topic. 

Non-Financial Rewards – recognition on WSIB website and digital badge.
Financial Rewards – minimum of $1,000 per topic, up to 75% of annual premium to a maximum of $50,000 per topic.

IHSA COR 2020 Program:
The COR 2020 program is designed to align with both the Ministry of Labor Accreditation standard and WSIB Excellence program. This means by achieving COR 2020, companies will also benefit from an accreditation and WSIB rebates. COR 2020 has reduced its audit tool to 14 elements by blending existing program requirements and reducing redundancy.                                                Additionally, the new program has added the following sections:

• Procurement and Change
• Contractor Management;
• Control of Documents and;
• Control of Records.                                                                                                The transition between current COR and COR 2020 will take place over the next 4 years. However, companies can pursue COR 2020 status earlier.