2nd Annual Christmas Toy Drive CP24


2nd Annual Christmas Toy Drive

Community Give Back

     Supporting our local communities has always been a top priority for Harbridge + Cross. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this support is more important than ever as we see our local neighbours and community struggle with isolation, depression and the uncertainty of job security.

     On November 15, 2021 our Head Office JHSC committee
recommended that we continue with our annual community give back program by
participating in the Christmas toy drive for kids in need. This was met with
great support and excitement from Sr. Management as they recalled our success
last year where we raised 63 Toys for the Christmas Wish Program. As such Sr.
Management and the JHSC were embolden to set a nominal goal of raising 100 Toys
for the charity a 60% increase from last year.  

     The Christmas Wish program was established in 1966 as the CHUM Kid’s Crusade Foundation, for the purpose of assisting children in need and children’s charities. The Christmas Wish program has become one of the largest distributors of toys to those in need in the GTA and provides financial assistance to hundreds of agencies.

Toy Drive Program:

Start-End Date: November 15 to December 15

Participants: Harbridge + Cross staff, office and field members.

Goal: Raise a minimum of 100 Toys, 60% increase from last year

Drop off location: Head Office Lobby top floor.

Over the next few weeks, the Safety Department and JHSC worked diligently to get the message out and promote our Toy Drive by using Toolbox talks and a special memo and email blasts to our staff.


The response has been tremendous as donations have come in by the dozens. 

On December 15, the JHSC performed a toy count and is proud to announce that this year, Harbridge + Cross raised 110 toys for the Christmas Wish program, a 10% more than our original goal and nearly doubled last year’s charitable contribution. 

Members from the OGCA, (Ontario’s largest General Contractors association) were also on hand to share in our community event and were proud to recognize Harbridge + Cross as community leaders that are part of the OGCA.

A special thank you goes out to Domenica Falzone, Co-Chair JHSC and the rest of the JHSC for their tireless efforts in organizing this event, setting up the display and galvanizing staff to join us in the spirt of community give back.

      Giving back is an essential part of Harbridge + Cross’s culture. “We build strong relationships”, not only in our industry but in the communities, where we live and grow. We strengthen our communities by giving back.

      We thank everyone for their support and wish you and your Family Happy Holidays.